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Integration Lab


The Directorate General for Social Services and Relations with the Third Sector under the Regional Ministry of Women, Equality, Family and Social Policy is the entity responsible for developing the Region of Murcia’s policies for the promotion and integration of immigrants.

Its work includes the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of Plans and Programmes related to Immigration, as well as competences in the field of social services and volunteering. Murcia Region’s strategic approach is one based on coordination between national, regional and local levels and NGOs for effective action on the reception and integration of migrants and refugees.

As one of the six regional partners, Murcia Region contributed to the definition and testing of the tools and instruments developed under REGIN. It informed and worked with public officials and stakeholders to understand the key role of integration in providing social cohesion (training and capacity building sessions) and it promoted and facilitated interactive and innovative activities to foster integration.



In the framework of its integration pilot action, the Autonomous Region of Murcia created a Commission within the Regional Forum for Immigration (a regional body for participation and consultation), made up of a plurality of stakeholders in the field of integration. The main aim of the commission is to define the general lines for incorporating policies on the integration of third country nationals into the regional operational programme.

The Commission, named ”Social Cohesion Commission”, met up 6 times to debate and analyse the different proposals, culminating in the creation of a final document, subsequently presented, and approved at the plenary session of the Regional Forum for Immigration. Following the approval of this proposal, the General Directorate of social services worked with the General Directorate of European Programmes on incorporating and defining specific inclusion projects.


In addition to this main action, this Commission promoted the development of an awareness raising campaign to combat racism and xenophobia that was launched in March 2022, on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The regional campaign on anti-discrimination called ”Real Reality Glasses” (Gafas de Realidad Real) was disseminated to raise awareness on the importance of avoiding rumours and hate speech and fight against racism and xenophobia.

For further information about Murcia’s pilot integration actions, please check our REGIN Catalogue of Integration Actions.

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