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Azores – Regional updates

abr., 28, 2021

The Region of Azores held its Stakeholders’ Capacity Building Session on Thursday 4th February 2021, with more than 20 participants representing a diverse range of sectors. André Santos initiated the meeting from Azores Regional Government, followed by Gemma Pinyol from Instrategies, who presented the objectives and aims of this session.

In the session, two working groups were formed among the different stakeholders to discuss the opportunities and challenges in integrating migrants in the Azores. After identifying the needs and discussing the challenges and opportunities of each one of them, a vote was taken to determine the main areas of intervention which were then discussed in plenary. The result of the session helped the Region of Azores plan its action(s) of integration and inclusion, which will include developing a welcoming guide for newcomers, among others.

Moreover, the Region of Azores has also held a training session for more than 20 employees of regional and local administrations, which took place on the 12 th February 2021.

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