In the last few months, the REGIN Project partners have continued to work remotely and met virtually moving forward on a wide variety of activities. For instance, regional integration actions are being launched by our regional partners:
Furthermore, in the framework of the new partnership on integration between the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and DG HOME of the European Commission, the REGIN Project collaborated in the organisation of the Online Workshop for Local and Regional Authorities: Setting Up a Local Integration Strategy, focusing on stakeholder Involvement and ownership.
This partnership – foreseen in the European Commission’s new Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 – builds on the existing Cities and Regions for Integration initiative, launched in 2019, of which the CPMR is an associated partner. It is a clear sign that the EU institutions recognise the important role of regional and local authorities in integration and inclusion and wish to give them a greater voice at the European level.
During the workshop that was held on 18th June 2021, our project partner Instrategies presented the REGIN regional toolkit – Stakeholders’ Capacity Building Guidelines, Training Modules & Evaluation Framework – that can be used and adapted by both regional and local authorities. REGIN regional partners, such as Catalonia and Murcia, participated in different break-out sessions – one of them being moderated by CPMR – and exchanged their experiences with other local and regional representatives.
Thanks to this occasion, the REGIN Project expanded its outreach to a wider network to exchange experiences and discuss potential synergies beyond the project consortium. Moreover, as part of the expansion MIPEX-R (Migrant Integration Policy Index-Regions) to other regions, CIDOB and MPG have been in touch with additional regional experts to cover 18 new European regions in 7 EU Member States, that are:
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