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Launch of REGIN, an innovative project for migrant integration at regional level

maj, 08, 2020

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) is leading the project consortium involving 6 of its member regions and 3 technical partners, in a project named “Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration’’ (REGIN), funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

The REGIN project builds on previous work led by the CPMR, such as the migration visual mapping tool, showcasing the competences, needs and innovative experiences of member regions in dealing with migration and asylum-related issues. The project also represents an opportunity to adapt the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), produced by CIDOB and MPG, to the regional level as MIPEX-R to provide indicators and visualise regional policies and outcomes on migrant integration.

Other project actions include developing an innovative toolbox for regional governments, stakeholder capacity building sessions and trainings for regional staff, testbeds (e.g. on health and integration) and mapping of regional experiences on migration and integration.

The REGIN project kick-off meeting took place on 12 and 13 February 2020 and brought together in Brussels representatives from Azores (Portugal), Campania (Italy), Catalonia (Spain), Murcia (Spain), Puglia (Italy) and Skåne (Sweden) regions, as well as representatives from CIDOBInstrategies and the Migration Policy Group (MPG), to discuss how to facilitate, guide and improve the performance of regions on migrant and refugee integration.

Annika Annerby JanssonPresident of Region Skåne and Chair of the CPMR’s Migration Task Force, participated in the meeting. She described the measures being deployed in her region through the Partnership Skåne initiative, which addresses integration challenges by providing holistic support for newly arrived migrants, focusing on well-being and health. This will constitute a testbed activity within REGIN.

In the framework of this innovative project, the CPMR – through its Migration Task Force and its external network – will play a crucial role for the next two years, coordinating the project and disseminating project results through its membership and associated partners, which are the Centre for Social Innovation (Cyprus), the Migration Institute of Finland, Med Cities; COPPEM (Standing Committee for the Euromediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities), the lnternational Centre for Black Sea Studies (lcBSS) and L’Oriental Region (Morocco).


For further information, please contact Nidaa Botmi

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