Regin Guidelines Training


Module 4

Workload: 50'

Main theme: Stereotypes and prejudices. Interventions to avoid discrimination. Support in the search for innovative solutions: in-depth interview and diagnosis. Resource network and referral to other support resources. Communication Skills.

    • What are they and how are they formed?
    • Self-fulfilling prophecies.
    • Dismantling stereotypes and prejudices.
    • Hate speech.
    • Creation of awareness and generation of empathy.
    • How can we break stereotypes?
    • Theoretical-practical introduction of the in-depth interview, diagnosis and derivation.
    • Definition, frame of reference and categorization of Resources.
    • Referral supports.
    • Developing communication skills, especially non-verbal communication skills and communicating about sensitive topics; conflict resolution and prevention

It´s recommended that the trainer(s)/facilitator(s) reflects the diversity. Language skills and/or migration background can ease accessibility to the trainer(s)/facilitator(s). However, a professional background as a social worker and the availability of interpreters can also help provide high quality counselling.

This module would require the trainer / facilitator to have experience in social work or direct intervention with migrants.

Computers with internet connection. Posters, cards and makers.

Each session will be divided in 4 main parts:

  1. Opening part to build-up the group (5´).
  2. Practical Exercise 1 (5´
  3. Explanation of Theorical Framework (10´)
  4. Practical Exercise 2:15´

The methodology will be eminently practical. All modules will include a practical exercise and a roadmap. In the complementary material you can find the theoretical notions for the knowledge of the concepts.

The trainer(s) / facilitator(s) will give a short introduction (5´) on the key questions and an explanation of the theorical framework. Then, they must do an individual exercise and share it in the group. This will lead to a road map to fight against stereotypes and prejudices and search for innovative solutions:

SWOT ANALYSIS: How to develop a strategy for success to inclusion, to fight against racism, xenophobia, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudices…

  • Strengths: What we are doing well? What others see as our strengths?
  • Weaknesses: What could we improve? What are others likely to see as weaknesses?
  • Opportunities: What opportunities are open to us? What trends could we take advantage of? How can we turn our strengths into opportunities?
  • Threats: What threats could harm you? What threats do your weaknesses expose to you?

The trainer / facilitator, together with a person designated by the group, should take note of the main reflections to be able to present them at the round table at the end of the modules.

The trainer / facilitator, together with a person designated by the group, should take note of the main reflections to be able to present them at the round table at the end of the modules.

1st exercise: At the beginning of the session, the trainer will ask the students a round of questions so that each one says a “topic” (negative or positive) of the immigrants. He will take note of each phrase on a poster (paper or computer).

2nd exercise: After the theoretical explanation, the list of topics will be taken as a starting point and the group of students will have to say if it is a stereotype or a prejudice. They will give solutions to disassemble each one.

At the end of all modules. Total Time 10´: The evaluation will be done through an online questionnaire available at


Explain the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and racism

  • Identify different types of discrimination
  • View racial tension through a sociological lens



How People’s Prejudices Develop



Complementary materials (other languages)