Regin Guidelines Training


Module 3

Workload: 55'

Main theme: Reception of migrants in public services. Discrimination, racism and xenophobia. Immigration and discrimination.

    • General concepts of approach and attention to the user.
    • Guidelines for approach and communication with the user.
    • Immigration and discrimination -Types of discrimination: Direct, Indirect, Intersectional.
    • Causes of discrimination.
    • Social consequences.
    • Differences between: racism, discrimination and racism. Legal frame.
    • Migration process and elders’ migrants.
    • Migration, work and business.
    • Conceptual and practical indications for the first data collection. Techniques: active listening.

It´s recommended that the trainer(s)/facilitator(s) reflects the diversity. Language skills and/or migration background can ease accessibility to the trainer(s)/facilitator(s). However, a professional background as a social worker and the availability of interpreters can also help provide high quality counselling.

Computers with internet connection.

Each session will be divided in 4 main parts:

  1. Opening part to build-up the group: Wacth the video (2.44´)
  2. Explanation of Theorical Framework (15´).
  3. Practical Exercise (individual and group sharing):20
  4. Roadmap to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination (17´).

The methodology will be eminently practical. All modules will include a practical exercise and a roadmap to inclusion. In the complementary material you can find the theoretical notions for the knowledge of the concepts.

The trainer(s) / facilitator(s) will give a short introduction (5´) on the key questions and an explanation of the theorical framework. Then, they have to do an individual exercise and share it in the group. This will lead to a road map to to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination:

  • New ideas on how to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
  • Psychological factor: address possible ways on how to enhance victim’s self-esteem.
  • Awareness, how to prevent racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
  • Education, Job: fight against structural discrimination.

The trainer / facilitator, together with a person designated by the group, should take note of the main reflections to be able to present them at the round table at the end of the modules.

It will work in groups of 3-4 people. Each group will carry out a practical role-play exercise of a case of a racist, xenophobic, discriminatory incident / real hate crime. The aim of covering the care of the victim in the early stages (instructions will be provided). 3 cards with real examples will be delivered. The roles of the group will be divided: a victim, a companion, a policeman, a professional from an external service (translator, NGO technician, health worker, social worker …) who will not act, he will only observe, a neutral observer who must narrate the case at the end in plenary. The dynamics of the roles of each sub-group are explained. The moderator will rotate through the three groups taking notes without intervening. Estimated duration 20 minutes.

At the end of all modules. Total Time 10′: The evaluation will be done through an online questionnaire available at


Racism, Sexism, Ageism; Homophobia. Being a white student at a 99% black scholl in a segregated town in America



Is antisemitism a form of racism?



Where do we draw the line between freedom of expression and discrimination?



Disability related bullying; racism; gender discrimination; young equality and human rights champions



Complementary materials (other languages)