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REGIN in Puglia: Integration and Inclusion of Migrants in the Age of the Covid-19 Pandemic

From Dez, 18, 2020 @ 9:00 am to Dez, 18, 2020 @ 3:00 pm

As part of the REGIN Project – Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration – on December 18th, 2020 (09:00 – 15:00), the Puglia Region will hold the online event “Integrazione ed inclusione dei cittadini stranieri al tempo della pandemia da COVID-19” (Integration and inclusion of migrants in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic), co-organized with the Department of Society, History, and Human Studies (DSSSU) of UniSalento and the Nova Consortium.

This event is divided into two sessions, namely the Project’s Dissemination meeting and the Capacity Building activity. The objective of the Dissemination session is to provide a general overview of the initiatives that the Puglia Region develops and supports for the inclusion of foreign citizens residing in its territories, give detailed information on the scope and activities foreseen by the REGIN Project, and report the experience of migrants in the paths of inclusion and active participation in the regional area. The Capacity Building activity, facilitated by the referents of the DSSSU of UniSalento, is intended as an opportunity for exchange among different actors actively engaged on the theme of inclusion of foreign citizens in the Region. This session will be dedicated to investigating and reflecting jointly on the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic in fostering integration at the local level and possible ways to overcome them.

Here is a short overview of the main interventions during the event: Domenico De Giosa, Director of the Citizen Security, Migration Policies, and Social Anti-mafia Department of the Puglia Region, will convey the institutional greetings and present the main actions that the Region supports on the theme of integration of foreign citizens, Davide Strangis, Executive Director of the CPMR – Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (Lead Partner), will briefly present the scope and activities of the REGIN Project, Papa Latyr Faye, President of the Casa Sankara-ghetto out Association, will report on the experience of migrants on the theme of inclusion and active participation in Puglia, focusing on the work of Casa Sankara-ghetto out, and, finally, Alessia RochiraResearcher of the UniSalento, will introduce the topic of the Capacity Building session, i.e., Integration and inclusion of migrants in the age of the Covid-19 pandemic, and facilitate the discussion among the regional stakeholders participating.

To register for the event and get involved in the discussion, click on the link in brackets (Link: Progetto REGIN – Incontro di Disseminazione e Capacity Building Regione Puglia (, in Italian only). After registering, you will receive the event programme and the link to the event.

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