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REGIN in Catalunya: The significance of networking to improve inclusion policies

From Dez, 15, 2020 @ 3:00 pm to Dez, 15, 2020

On December 15, the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families of the Catalan Government organized the first dissemination event within the framework of the REGIN project. The meeting, which was held online with more than 90 participants, discussed the significance of networking to improve the reception of immigrants.

The Secretary of Equality, Migration, and Citizenship, Mireia Vall, inaugurated the day by reviewing the state of inclusion policies in Catalonia, emphasizing the need to continue working to reduce inequalities and to join forces to ensure that everyone can develop their life project. Then Claire Street, Policy and Project Officer at the CPMR, explained the REGIN project and presented some preliminary data from the MIPEX-R for Catalonia.

Next, Antoine Savary, Deputy Head of Unit of Legal Pathways and Integration of DG Home, opened the round table on the significance of networking, presenting the Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion for the period 2021-2027. The second intervention of the table was given by Karim Sabni, spokesperson for the Girona Acull Platform, who spoke about the need to seek alliances between different civil society organizations to respond to a wide range of necessities and increase the incidence of actions. Finally, Homa Baldeh from the Secretariat for Equality, Migration, and Citizenship explained the local coordination boards for the prevention of Female Genital Mutilation, where various entities and administrations coordinate to provide comprehensive care.

A graphic summary, by Maria Calvet, closed the day and showed the main ideas that came out throughout all the interventions.


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